Foresight Awards 2023


Foresight takes immense pride in celebrating the successes of our beneficiaries, volunteers and staff as they continue to receive  well-deserved recognition and awards. Their achievements are a testament to the collaborative efforts and innovative solutions provided by Foresight. We are dedicated to fostering a partnership that goes beyond conventional business relationships, aiming for mutual growth and prosperity. As our beneficiaries and volunteers achieve milestones and receive accolades, we find inspiration in their accomplishments, driving us to continually elevate the standards of excellence in our products and services to the disabled community. This shared success reinforces Foresight's commitment to delivering exceptional value and expertise to the community in North East Lincolnshire and surrounding areas. We look forward to witnessing and contributing to the continued success of our highly valued beneficiaries and volunteers on their award-winning journeys.



The Foresight Team




Daniel Galvin

Supporting Children and Young People Award 

For the volunteer that has contributed the most to supporting children and young people in their activities.

Ron Walters

Support to beneficiaries


This award is given to the volunteer who has supported our learners and encouraging them in their personal development skills. 




Kirsten Wallace

Volunteer of

the Year


This award is for the individual who has gone above and beyond their role as a volunteer.



Community Ambassador Award

Awarded to the individual that has promoted our charity within the community.       



Shannon Deighton

Beneficiaries Volunteer of the Year Award

This award is achieved by being voted by the beneficiaries at Foresight as their favourite volunteer.



Support to



This award is given to the volunteer that has contributed most to supporting learners during sporting activities.



 Young Ambassador


Awarded to the young person who has promoted the Foresight charity out in the community.



Georgia Gostelow

Young Volunteer of the Year Award 

This award is for the individual who has gone above and beyond their role as a young volunteer.





Volunteer of the Year Award - Grimsby 

For the volunteer that has contributed most to all the activities they have supported in this year.



Dan Stephenson

Going Above and Beyond Volunteer Award

Awarded to the volunteer who has gone above and beyond to assist our beneficiaries and our charity.



Alyssa Sipson

Volunteer Newcomer of the Year Award

This is awarded to a new volunteer that has shown outstanding commitment to helping at Foresight.



Susan Bell

Chair Person’s Award  North East Lincolnshire

For the person who has contributed the most and has gone aove and beyond what was expected of them in their role.


Mark Smith

Trustee's Trustee of the

Year Award

This award has been voted by our trustees at Foresight for who has gone above and beyond within their role for the charity. 


Patricia Fuller

Beneficiary Participation Champion 

For the individual that has volunteered their time to encourage beneficiaries to participate in activities and events.



Peter Watts

Outstanding Contribution to Foresight

Awarded to the individual who has gone above and beyond with their contribution to Foresight.


Callum Finn

Volunteer's Staff Member of the Year Award

This award has been voted by our volunteers for the staff member that has been exceeding within their role.



Paul Silvester

Staff Member Above and Beyond Award 

For the staff member who has gone above and beyond their expectations within their role.



Mollie Thompson

Supporting Staff Member's


Voted by members of staff for the person who has gone above and beyond to support them within their role.





Staff Member's Trustee of the Year Award

This award has been voted by our staff members for the trustee who has gone above and beyond to provide sessions for our beneficiaries.





Beneficiaries Tutor of the Year Award

This award has been voted by our benefciaries for the tutor who has supported our learners and shown great dedication to our charity.


Layla Eddington-Pratt

Leadership Volunteer  Team Member Award

This is awarded to the volunteered individual who has exhibated exceptional leadership skills and qualities.





Leadership Beneficary Team Member Award

This is awarded to the beneficiary who has exhibated exceptional leadership skills and qualities.



Derek Bartholomew

Jane Mansfield Memorial


Awarded to the individual who goes above and beyond in their dedicationand support for our beneficiaries and charity.





Beneficaries Staff Member of the Year Award  

This award is voted by our benaficiaries at Foresight for who they think has been the most hardworking and dedicated staff member of the past year.

Joanne Silvester

Housing Staff Member of the Year Award

This award is voted by the tenants at Anne Askew House and Coronation house for their favourite housing staff member.

Learner Awards




Jay Smith

Most Improved Sports Person Award - Grimsby

For the individual who has shown the most improvement in their sports activities in the last year, not only in their skills but in their motivation and determination to do their best.



Alistair Wilson

Sports Person of the Year Award - Grimsby 

For the individual who has achieved and excelled the most in sports this year.

Enya Odonnell

Most Improved Learner Award - Grimsby

For the beneficiary who has shown the most improvement over the last year, in their behaviour or in skills that they have developed.



Jason Tullock

Learner of the Year Award - Grimsby

For the learner that has achieved significant personal development.



Georgia Abbott

Outstanding Progress Award - Grimsby

Awarded to the individual who has demonstrated improvement and progression within the past year through activities in the centre. 



Andrew Richards

Outstanding Attendance  Award - Grimsby 

For the individual with the highest day service attendance in the past year.

Andrew Knight

        Best Newcomer to             Grimsby Day Services

For the individual who has accesssed our services for the first time this year and who has excelled in their progress and personal development.



Diane Robinson

Outstanding Creativity  Award - Grimsby

For the individual who has shown the most creativity and their own ideas in their classes and activities.


Alex Whitehead

    The Barbara Haigh Memorial Award for Overcoming Barriers to Learning   

For the beneficiary who has overcome barriers too their engagement in classes and activities.



Lenny Tuff

Tenant of the year Award - Anne Askew House

For the Anne Askew tenent who has been outstanding in their behaviour and conduct.


Martin McGurty

Tenant of the Year Award - Coronation House

For the Anne Askew tenent who has been outstanding in their behaviour and conduct.



Mark Wells

Grimsby Town Supporter Award

This award is given to the individual who has shown dedication and excellent attendance at the Grimsby Town Football Club matches.

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